Monday, 22 April 2013



I hear your song but I cannot see you.
It saddens me to know that you are so near but far enough that I cannot touch your feathered chest. It saddens me so that I cannot rest.
Tell me, what colour are your wings? Do they beat, heart-like when you fly? What does the world look like from where you are? What do you think when you are way up there?
Do birds cry? Do you? I do.
Sing me morning songs, sing me to sleep.
Tell me, what kind of bird are you?


Saturday, 20 April 2013



You have been by my bedside for nine days now and I don't want to let you go. I never did.
I've watched you grow in those nine days and you are bigger. Much bigger. You should be so proud, petal.
The day I found you I was weeping and I brought you home to make me happy. Though I am weeping still. I am weeping for you because in my heart I know you can't stay. I thought about hanging you up to dry by the window so I could keep you forever but something told me that I need to put you back, beneath the dirt. The dust. When I looked at you I knew it was true.
Though in my heart is hope that when I do so you will let your soul grow, that you will become a thousand petals instead of just one. Hope that I can bring you home to make me happy. A thousand times.


Friday, 19 April 2013



Do you remember me? I sat in your arms not long ago. You swayed in the autumn wind but I held on. I wrapped my fingers around your limbs like I'd seen a raven do. When you spoke it was a whisper, I spoke back. I whispered too.
One day more recently the earth rattled your bones. Mine too. The autumn winds carried me down and your tree feet cushioned my fall.
For that I thank you.
Then from the ground I flew like I'd seen the raven do. For that I apologise.
Whisper to me, willow weeping. Whisper humble oak and dig your roots deep for safe keeping.
Forget not that I remember you.


Thursday, 18 April 2013



I saw a picture of you today. It made my heart swell. I long to see you standing by the deep blue, her whispers washing over your big mountain toes.
My mind tricks and torments with thoughts of you. Tickles heart tides. Echoes your call, 'Come to me'.
One day soon I promise I will. I will travel far and admire you from the bridge before I take all the steps towards you. Maybe if I am strong enough I will climb you like I once said I would.
I will come to you. One day soon. I ask that you make a place for me to close my eyes a while. And I ask that you do not crumble before I get there.


Wednesday, 17 April 2013



Last night your glow lit my room and kept my eyes open for longer than they should have been. When I truly needed to close them I couldn't. It was early morning and I cried for you. I was tired.
I slipped into dreams eventually but I felt so far from you. I felt small.
This morning when I woke you were gone. I cry for you. I am tired.
Sometimes if I look closely I can see your light in the sun. Sometimes your reflection stains the pavement. I will search every surface for signs of you, moon. I will lie awake with you tonight and I will miss you again in the morning.
People ask, why is your light not as bright as the sun? Why is the sky black behind you?
I think about the way you shine, delicate and devoted. Let not the sleeping world cause you to sacrifice your blissful show, but know that for me and my soul you are enough. And for the little river that holds your glow.


Tuesday, 16 April 2013



Today I heard that you are angry and I almost understand why but it makes me sad all the same. I can see you covering the sky and I can feel your cold breath on my finger tips.
Let today be the day you let go of all your rain. Squeeze yourself dry over a place where there are no people, for your tears do not belong in their eyes.
Watch your woeful waters as they fall. Watch them become an oh so small part of the big, deep blue and breathe baby, breathe. When you are empty and no longer angry search your sky for light. The earth delights in brightness.
If you must rain again, let that water be gentle. Let it not hurt when it falls.
I think people fear the rain when you are angry and so they stay indoors, even when you are not. They miss out on seeing the beauty of a storm that is peaceful.
Be kind, cloud. Be humble.




Thank you for teaching me how to breathe and how to stop thinking. Thank you for teaching me to meditate and how to find peace in the darkness.
On Sunday night I was so calm after counting my breaths and not thinking that I very nearly fell asleep on the floor with a candle still burning.
Thank you for reminding me to smile. Sometimes it is easy to forget that I need not be afraid. For I know deep down that you are always in the sky somewhere in my world. Looking down and loving me with your light.
I think that people fear the sun and so they block you out; hide in shadows. Not I. You are too good, too glorious.